

     After having dinner, me, clive, fong, eeshen n rannie start a conversation bout 2012 doom's day. actuali i'm not believing the Maya prophecy of 2012 coz who cares bout doom's day? mayb sumting happen out of nothing n den u'r off!
     the reason i hav dis kinda thinking cum frm a young age experience, it happen wen i'm 9 years old, which is 1998. 1 day in the primary skul i tot of kicking a ball, but i found a coconut instead!!! can u imagine 20 children kicking a coconut as football? but den the unexpected happen, my fren whom sitting in front of me in the claz, collapsed.
     eri1 stop n looking at him, all feel weird but do nothing. wen i saw him, the 1st thing i do r rushing 2 my claz supervise teacher, dey get him 2 hospital, den he passed away dat week, he's having 2 bloodstream sticking 2gether in the brain, dats y he alwiz headache in claz.
     until now, i ask myself, if i dun start the football game by kicking a coconut, will he still b alive? i hav no idea... but wen i noe he's dead, i am sad but din drop a tear, i duno y. mayb i wasnt so fren wif him afterall...
     come bac to present, i told them i'm not scared bout dying or so but pls dun left me alive while eri1 r dead... den dey told me to kill myself!!! the funny part was abt fong n a gal, wen clive said if left fong n dat gal, dey must tk on the responsibilities 2 recreate the human civilisation by "u noe how"! XD
     den he add 1 more sentences: if fong r left bhind wif another gal, den he must b so damn unlucky n wil b force 2 kill himself too :D fong answer by y cant left u bhind wif dat gal, clive said i sure will kill myself!!! hahahaha, we r jz 1 happy family.
     finally, eri1 wil b dead 1 way or another, until dat day. jz enjoy the days u'r given by sum1 up der n make sure u hav alot of funny stuffs 2 tell HIM wen u'r finally go n meet HIM. i'm jz glad 2day i hav collected 1 more funny story 2 tell him, until nxt time :D

