

     the date means nothing to me, wonder y eri1 like so fascinate bout dis day. eriday is so precious to me, no matter what date it is. but yday means sumting else, bcoz it is my 5th month in dis job, 11-12-12. join dis company exactly 5 months ago on July, n get a gift from a reactivated customer. a near 40k P/O after i meeting dem for so many weeks, finally they start to buy.

     ppl is like dis, sum r easier to approach, more open minded, sum jz nid more time. as i alwiz bliv, hardworks alwiz paying off, 1 way or another, u'r effort wont b wasted. playing futsal against a group of newly known frens, very fast tempo game n overall eri1 is like former schoolteams player. a team of 16 yr old forcing eri1 to gv their best, the pride to win against a young team!

     my dad ask me y eritime come bac so tired n knee pain but stil go? answer is easy, the pride n desire to win, dats what make me. n dats what needed to become successful, u can c the bosses out der, all of them r different, but they share a same traits, never want to lose n the bravery to take risks.

     my branch advisor ask me to do sumting which is not right to the company, but if successful den both of us wil hv a couple hundreds each, the money is not the factor dat force me cooperate, i jz duwan to reject him. n btw, i said not right, doesnt mean its wrong.

QUOTE: ppl makes alot of money between black n white, the grey zone.

